Esports Knowledge base.
Together with Esports.NGO, we've curated the knowledgebase of the significant esports and gaming-related terms and elements that are essential for navigation when doing any type of project in the field of esports
General Esports Terms
Understand the basics
The vocabulary of major terms from esports and gaming
Detailed description of major terms that are shaping the industry
Definition of major industry stakeholders and their roles in the industry
Comparison of esports with traditional sports targeted to help answer the quesiton if esports is a sports
Essential Esports Elements
Dive into essential esports elements and terms
Major platforms and devices used to practice esports
Major types of genres practised in esports
Definition of major esports types and characteristics
Description of major esports-related elements within the structures of the events
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you'd like to suggest a word or a correction.

You can use the data published in this section if you quote Passport.GG x Esports.NGO correctly as the source.
Esports Industry experts, providing solutions to brands, governments and NGOs.

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